
Why do people start working on something? Build a solid foundation? Then when it gets overwhelming stop? They seem to enjoy the process and work going into whatever they’re working on and then call it “ people pleasing “


I started reading Essentialism by Greg Mckeown and Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner. And I think I’ve narrowed my essentials down to five like they suggest

My Five Essentials to cultivate

Hopefully by living in this way I can embrace who I was made to be… more on this

Where has my creativity gone to?

Yes I’ve been struggling with having joy in my creative endeavors for a while now. But I’ve found the reason: I started a hexagon blanket that is sucking the life out me. It all started seeing pictures of other people’s projects. Well I started one for my daughter last year and all was going well , I crocheted 85 hexies . Than I started sewing them together (hell on earth) and found out I needed more. Make a long story short I lost interest and decided to end the madness and start a new one with different squares, yes I know. But when I started I started to think about just going bigger on the one square. That was last Monday and to say that I’m glad I rerouted the blanket idea I have my mojo back.

Basics for Believers – a review

Basics for Believers by D.A. Carson

I’ll be honest and say it took a bit for me to get into this book. I started reading it and thought it the ideas were good ,but couldn’t understand some of the words. By the second chapter it got better and I was able to grasp the concepts of the book. It’s a study of Philippians and breaks it down section by section and give instructions on how to live out your faith like Paul and Jesus, I’ll be rereading it for a refresher and make sure I get every bit of encouragement I can out of it.

Disclosure received free from Baker Books for a honest reveiw

New Books

I haven’t posted in awhile due to I’ve reading a lot! Here’s a few:

“On Writing” by Stephen King. I’ve been a fan of his for years so I wanted to read his thoughts on writing. He talks about how he started writing, includes a section on how to, and his thought processes. I loved how he wrote about inspiration ,how to keep going through rejection and that ” art supports life ” .

“Wrinkle in Time” by Madeline L’Engle. Recently I saw a post on Instagram that a writer I enjoy plans to read all of her books in 2018, 44 in total ( gasp). I’ve wanted to read “Wrinkle in Time” for years and can’t believe I didn’t it’s a great book, I’m on the second in the series now. I’m also reading her “Crosswick Journals” , I love reading about how she comes up with hers stories. She has a amazing process and she writes about it in the first book ” A Quiet Circle”.

I just finished “The Law of Divine Compensation” by Marriane Williamson. Fantastic book on how to live more spiritually , fully engaged with your life even amidst trouble and rise above your circumstances.

And two books on the enneagram: ” The Sacred Enneagram” by Christopher Heuertz and ” The Road Back to You” by Ian Morgan and Suzanne Stabile.


God has been working on me so much and I couldn’t be MORE grateful!!


#liveitout -lost objects

I believe the only way to know The Bible is to test it out. Well this past month God has been showing me how He felt when He found me. 

I lost my phone first and looked where I thought I lost it. I went back within minutes and it wasn’t in either place, I dug in my car nope not there . I replaced it.  Then I lost one of my fave earrings and started wearing another pair , lost one of those( found later that night) . I replaced the first pair I lost. After a week of searching for the earring I found it and believe me I was ECSTATIC! 

Can you imagine how God felt finding me? Can you imagine His joy finding YOU?